
Mobile Signing Agents Get Mortgages Done Right


What is a Notary Signing Agent?

Most people have no idea what a signing agent does. These are specially trained individual who facilitate mortgage closings. They are used by home loan companies, escrow companies, and title companies to provide a safe and convenient way to facilitate loan signings. These professionals help make the loan closing process more convenient for the borrowers. They do this by taking documents back and forth, getting documents signed and notarized, and also by delivering settlement checks.

Make Loan Closings More Convenient

Mobile signing agents can speed up the loan process, and make the whole transaction simpler and easier for everybody. This is true of mortgage closing for new or refinanced loans. They are also specially trained and prepared to make sure that the loan documents are completed the right way.

In today’s society, when people do business with companies in different cities, and people also have very busy schedules, this service can really help get loans closed! A borrower does not have to travel to the city where the loan company has an office in order to close.

For example, you may live in Houston, but borrow money from a mortgage company in Dallas. You do not have to travel to Dallas in order to complete your loan. In fact, a notary agent can travel to your home or the title company with the documents. This makes it much simpler and easier to complete new or refinanced mortgage closings.

Consider another example. A very busy professional may not be able to make a loan closing during business hours. A mobile service can bring documents to their home or office when it is convenient for the client.

A lot of people have very busy lives, and they are not going to make it to a meeting during regular business hours. Many signing agents will offer flexible hours to meet this demand. They offer week-end and evening hours so they can complete the job whenever it is the most convenient for the borrower.

Documents may be signed at 8pm on Tuesday or Sunday morning at 8am. You can probably find a notary agent with flexible hours to help you when you need them. This service really helps borrowers because they can use the service at times and places that are convenient to them.

Signing Agents are Not Lawyers

These are not legal representatives though. If you are a borrower, you should not ask your notary signing agent questions about any terms of you contract. You need to take those up with the loan or title company before you sign your loan. You should not assume that your notary will be able to help out with any legal questions or issues. They are just there to make sure that the contract that has been prepared will be completed the right way.

Also understand that the agents are probably 3rd party contract workers. Even though they are trained and certified professionals, they do not work for a title company or lender. They work to make sure that documents are complete properly. They also help make things more convenient.


Source by Marilyn Katz

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