
Invest $100 Dollars in Making Sauce – Make $300 Dollars Selling Hot Dogs


Are you trying to find a way to make good money quickly? Isn’t everyone? What you need is a great idea and the energy and start up money to make it work. Are you someone who enjoys going to a flea market? Do you enjoy cooking for other people? Why not make some money at the flea market? There are tons of people at these sales, people shopping and people working. And all of them are usually hungry.

With a simple investment of $100 dollars, you can make $200 dollars, that is $100 dollars in profit. All you have to do is to invest $100 dollars in start up money for purchasing supplies, make your hot dog sauce a few days before you want to go to the market, set up your booth and rake in the bucks.

If you have a good sauce recipe, people will be looking for your booth every time they come to shop. You will have to have more on hand to keep from running out before the day is over. If you reinvest in your business, you can make even more money. And you can very easily enlarge your business by having other edible goodies for sale. You may want to see if there are any health codes you need to follow. This is a good moneymaker and you can be as successful as you want to be. This could easily lead to a much larger business. It all depends on you and how much money you want to make. Invest $100 dollars and begin today.


Source by Perry Webbing

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