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From 0 to 130 Properties in 3.5 Years – Book Review


Well this is my very first book review and what a great book to review. From 0 to 130 Properties in 3.5 Years is the very first book I ever bought on property investment. It was this book that launched me into believing that possibly I could become really wealthy and retire early.

I thought I would do it through property investment, but instead i ended up making money online.

This book is written by Steve McKnight and as the title suggests he is a very successful property developer who has gone from owning 0 properties to owning 130 properties, which earn him over $200,000 per year, in just 3 and a half years. This is a phenomenal achievement by anyone’s standards.

This book takes a different approach to property investment than many other books and it suggests that you should invest in what is known as ‘positively geared property’ where you make money from the rental of the property not from the capital gains that the property makes.

Part 1 – Getting Started

This section of the book is great because Steve shares with you his story and shows how he started out from humble beginnings as a property developer. He shares in detail the decisions he and his investment partner made and how they went from working 9-5 in finance to becoming full time property developers in just a few years.

Part 2 – Property Investing Home Truths

This is where Steve takes you through the basics of how he makes money by investing in positively geared property and how you can to. He shares with you the mathematics behind it and he also shows you why the majority of property investors only own one of two properties and no more. You can overcome this and own over 5 properties with Steve’s help.

Part 3 – Strategies for Making Money in Property

This is where Steve goes through (in fair detail) the different strategies people use to make money from positively geared property. There are many different ways which differ from the traditional ‘Buy and Hold’ which is where you buy a property and just rent it out. Steve goes through them making them fairly easy to understand and to get a grip on.

Part 4 – Applying the Knowledge

There is no point learning something and then never applying it. So Steve spends some time in this chapter teaching you how you can apply this in your own life and getting you to ask important questions like “Does this really work?” and “What’s my next move”. This section on the book is focused really heavily on you taking action.

Part 5 – More of the Nitty Gritty

In this section Steve talks about the principles of building wealth and he takes a closer look at negative gearing and why you might want to steer clear of it. This section also contains some ‘Tenants From Hell’ Stories which you will soon be able to avoid after learning from others’ experiences given in this section of the book.

My Review

This book is written for the average Joe as well as the Million Dollar investor. If you have never invested in real estate before, and even if you have, this book is a MUST READ. It is a must read because it tackles property investment from a completely different angle that not many other books tackle. You can learn so much from this book and you can easily become a property investor afterward with the skills you will learn.


Source by Ryan Mclean

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