
Cash Out Refinance: Consolidate Your Debt and Save


Mortgage interest rates are at historic lows. With fixed interest rates around 3% now is a fantastic time to use the equity in your home to consolidate debt and save money on a monthly basis. Home owners with auto loans, personal loans, and credit card debt can save a considerable amount of money by rolling their debts into a home refinance.

If you own a home that is valued at $400,000 and owe $220,000 you have $180,000 in equity. That equity can be used to help consolidate debts.

How Much You Could Save
Mortgage Loan: $220,000 with a monthly payment of $1,798
Visa Card: $ 13,000 with a monthly payment of $398
Master Card: $ 9,700 with a monthly payment of $307
Auto Loan: $18,000 with a monthly payment of $405
Personal Loan: $16,000 with a monthly payment of $330
Total Debts: $276,700
Total Payments: $3,238

If you took all of those debts and refinanced into a 30 year fixed mortgage at 3.5% the monthly payment would only be $1,242. A $2,000 savings is monumental. Part of the savings is due to lowering the overall interest rate and elongating the repayment term of your credit card and auto loan debt. For example a car loan is typically for seven years or less. When you combine that balance with other debts into a thirty year mortgage you are prolonging the amount of years you have to pay that debt back.

Consolidating debts through a cash out refinance is another way to give you control over your monthly budget and free up cash flow for additional expenses. For people that have a decline in income, unexpected medical bills, or simply want to have more play money this is an ideal solution.

Refinancing and consolidating your debts can also help you to pay off your home loan sooner. If the above borrower could continue paying $3,238 towards debts on a monthly basis they would be putting the additional $2,000 directly toward the principal balance of the loan every month. At this rate the loan could be paid off in full in slightly over 8 years! This is amazing for people that want to be debt free. It is not as hard as it sounds. You can easily be debt free with this plan if you stick to a monthly schedule of taking the entire savings and applying it toward principal. This still leaves borrowers with flexibility because if an unexpected bill comes up you can keep the savings that month. The refinance puts you in the drivers seat. Not consolidating your debt keeps you tied to payment plans and schedules set by creditors.

Refinance interest rates are low so contact a mortgage banker today to discuss your loan options. There are various refinance programs available to save you money. Whether it is consolidating debt or simply reducing your interest rate, the savings can free up cash flow on a monthly basis and give you the opportunity to pay off your home loan sooner.


Source by Bethany Wood

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