
Top 10 Best Online Psychic Reading Sites (2022)


Psychic reading is when somebody tries to obtain and figure out certain information through perception. They can also gather details about the past, present or future of another person based on basic human senses. 

Basically, a psychic can gather information about you based on your appearance and story and then use their intuition to come to conclusions. The best psychics online or in-person won’t just give you a blunt reading, they will provide you with advice on how to grow and learn from certain situations.

Psychic readers can use different tools for understanding your spiritual state and answering your questions. Some psychics turn to tarot readers and cards, palm reading, crystals or astrology as tools for divination. There are some psychic mediums out there who claim to be clairvoyant, someone who has a supernatural ability to see the future, past, and even dead people. 

Traditionally, psychic reading was done in-person either at a booth, business, or in someone’s home. While you can still get answers to burning questions one-on-one, now you can turn to the aid of a psychic online or on your mobile device. 

How to Find a Trustworthy Psychic Reading Online

Finding the right online psychic for your needs can be a daunting task once you see how many are out there offering their service. We compiled the list of the best online psychic reading services above to help you in your search. 

First of all, read through our reviews to get a better idea of the service you want to try. Most online psychic sites provide in-depth reader profiles and reviews; make use of them and keep looking until you find one you feel a connection with. If the service you chose offers free trial of psychic readings online, definitely make use of it and don’t be afraid to walk away when you don’t feel comfortable. 

We put together our list after extensive research to make finding your psychic advisor easier. Once you’ve found the one, use the tips below to make sure your psychic reading experience will be a success. 

How to Make Sure My Online Psychic Is Real

An excellent psychic will empower you. How do you feel after the reading? Are you excited to step into tomorrow, or are you in a hurry to schedule a follow-up because you need their help and feel powerless without them?

The best live psychic readings are specific and evidential. When you receive evidence from the reader, it proves to you that they “know” you.

Scammers typically follow the formula of giving you an exciting prediction. Then, a scammer will tell you that for their “good prediction” to come true, you must guard against some unforeseen forces. In this way, a reader introduces doubt and fear. Lastly, they will suggest themselves (for a further fee) as your ultimate solution.

All psychic readers should make the client feel good and empowered. If anyone ever makes you distrust your intuition, just run! In sum: Don’t worry — you will know how to recognize a scammer because your intuition will guide you.

What Do I Need to Know Before I Get a Psychic Reading?

Before getting one of the best online psychic readers on a site or app, familiarize yourself with the website’s terms of use, customer policy, and any customer reviews or FAQs. If you have any questions, ask. Make sure that your expectations are realistic. For example, do not expect your psychic reader to actually read your mind or perform spells. Life is not a Harry Potter novel. An ethical reader will not read anyone that is not present nor without consent.

Tips for Your First Online Psychic Reading 

Getting your first Psychic Reading is exciting. To get the most out of your psychic reading, plan and keep an open mind. Make sure that you will have privacy and quiet. Write down any questions that you have. You can offer a small prayer to your guides/angels so that they send you messages for your highest and best. Light a candle, burn incense or do something that relaxes you. Think positive thoughts. Also, it is best to avoid alcohol and caffeine before readings. If you meditate, go ahead and do so before the reading. Remember, we are all a part of the same energy. When one person lightens their energy, we are all lightened as a collective whole.

How Much Should I Pay for a Psychic Reading?

The cost of readings ranges from free samples to hundreds of dollars charged by celebrity top rated  psychics. The good news is that psychic readings are like a great wine—there is something for everyone on any budget. Quality readings are not budget-dependent. Some psychics offer half-hour slots instead of a full-hour time slot. Consider your options and know that a psychic reading does not need to be expensive.

Can I Get a Psychic Reading for Free?

Some psychics give free psychic readings as a sample. These tend to be short and minimal. However, these samples can cause a disservice to both the psychic and the client. Would you ask your dermatologist for an example of their work (such as removing half or one pimple)? It takes time, skill, and coordination to schedule appointments, get to know the problem and provide solutions. To get an excellent result, we need to take the time and care. Why should it be any different with a psychic reading?

What Can I Ask a Psychic Reader About?

When approaching a psychic, your mind may be overloaded with questions. Before sitting down for a reading, it’s important to reflect on your worries and situation and make a list of topics and questions. You should reflect on your current situation and the people that may be impacting you. 

You should stay away from asking “Yes” or “No” questions, because they won’t really give accurate or deep insight, nor can they act as solutions. Instead, you should ask open ended questions that will let the psychic expand on issues. Such advice can be helpful and applied to other parts of your life. 

The most common questions asked often center around a few topics like romance, family, past relationships, money, the future, personal health or the health of loved ones, and jobs. Of course, if you’re interested, you can get creative and ask about interesting topics like pets or the future of cryptocurrency. 

Here is some inspiration of possible questions to ask psychic readers:

  • What unfinished business do I have with my ex-friend?

  • How do I get closure from a situation?

  • When should I start looking for a new job?

  • When will my partner and I get pregnant?

  • Should I avoid certain foods?

  • When will I get married?

  • What was my life like in my past life?

  • How do I improve my relationship with my parent?

  • Will I heal from my heartbreak?

  • What can the divine tell me about my new home?

When contacting a clairvoyant or psychic, it’s best to come prepared with clear intentions. This way, you’ll get the most out of your experience and leave with a clear picture of what to do about your situation.

What are the different types of psychic readings?

Readers are constantly discovering unique talents that they can offer to the community. These developing talents provide variety in the services offered. The basic types of psychic readings are:

Fortune Telling

Online fortune telling is described as telling or forecasting future events by divination. There are more than 50 different forms of divination. The main ones are Astrology, Cartomancy, Scrying (using a crystal ball), I Ching, Numerology, Palmistry, and Tasseography, reading tea leaves or coffee grounds.

Tarot Card Readings

Tarot readings are also called Cartomancy and tell fortunes by using a deck of special cards called a Tarot Deck. Messages are given by studying the colors, symbols, and images in the cards. Find out more about the top online Tarot reading websites to choose the one that you most like.

Love Readings

Love Psychics give readings about love, relationships, breakups, make-ups, problems in relationships, and singles wondering why they haven’t found someone and when they will meet the one. They can offer advice if someone thinks their partner is cheating.

Pet Readings

Pet psychics can give readings on our pets, those that are either here or have passed on. They can also help us finding lost pets.

Aura Readings

The aura is the energy body we all have and is full of different colors. Some psychics use those colors to tell us what is going on with our bodies and souls. Each color means something different and can give you incredible insights into yourself.

Dream Interpretation

Dreams are messages that our waking mind seems to miss with the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. Dream interpretation is done by analyzing the colors, symbols, images, and situations in our dreams. Some dream interpreters use special tarot readings to interpret a dream.

Online Mediums

Online mediums usually use details they gather from your story to telepathize with far away souls – dead or alive. When you contact a medium online, you can communicate calmly and divulge more information from a comfortable place. 

Yes / No Tarot

Yes/No tarot is when you think of a question that can be answered with “Yes” or “No” and then choose a tarot card. The card that you choose will have an answer for your issue. The tarot reader will explain the card’s visuals to you in the context of your question.

Palm Reading

Palm reading is when your palm gets read for clues about you and your future. Each hand has unique information “stored” in your fingerprints and wrinkles that a palm reader can decode. This can be an interesting practice to explore if you want to get a sense about your future life paths.

How can numerology help my psychic reading?

Many head to psychic readers to get answers about spooky occurrences like certain numbers repeating everywhere. Looking at the time and constantly seeing 11:11 may feel like a sign. 

Numerology is an ancient method that has been around for thousands of years and practiced across nations and religions. Numerologists assign meaning to numbers and combinations of numbers. 

This practice is all about the details. Numerology can make you notice the details and provide an extra dimension to a regular psychic reading. It can give more advice from a different perspective and give clarifications for missing information that can’t be found in other forms of psychic reading.

More Psychic Reading Sites We Reviewed

This list of top ten psychic reading sites and apps is composed of platforms that chose to partner with In total, we reviewed over 20 brands when doing our research into psychic reading, with new platforms being reviewed on a regular basis. Interested in learning about the prices and features of some more niche psychic reading sites that don’t appear on this list? Check out our in-depth reviews of some of these big names in mystical predictions:

How we rated the best psychic reading websites

We decided to rate each of the best online psychics on these key points:

  • What type of readings is the psychic reading website best for?
  • The site’s price range
  • Special offers and promotions
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Psychic reading methods
  • Does the psychic reading website have a phone app and how easy is it to use?

Each psychic reading website on our list was thoroughly vetted by our psychic experts. We opened accounts, read their policies and code of ethics, and tested everything there is to be tested.

Price range is always important when choosing a psychic service. While the pricing structure of most sites is relatively similar, depending on which psychic advisor you book a psychic reading session with, things can get expensive quickly. We let you know where you can find the most affordable psychic services.

Special offers and promotions are always welcome, no matter the service. We took a close look at the promotions offered by the various psychic sites so you can easily see which ones are best. Even the best psychic reading sites can have their black sheep.

A good money-back guarantee is key when testing a service for the first time. You never know what the experience is going to be like and knowing you can get your money back if things don’t turn out right is a huge plus.

What psychic services does the site actually offer? Some sites present this information front and center, while others make you search for it.

Is there an app for that? Being able to get a trusted psychic reading on the go can be a huge bonus if you’re pressed for guidance but not near a computer. We checked each online psychic reading site on this list to make sure whether they have an app available and how easy it is to use.

Our Newest Psychic Reading Updates

If you’re interested in expanding your knowledge and getting to the bottom of unanswered life questions, you may want to read more about psychic predictions or mystical moments. 

Each month, we will present our newest articles that touch on different topics in the psychic reading worlds. We invite you to bookmark this page and keep yourself updated on the latest trends, useful information, and new ideas. 

Keep reading to get a short summary of some of our most engrossing new reads.

  • 10 Tips on Manipulating Energy to Get What You Want in Life – Maybe you’ve heard of the “Law of Attraction”; Many use this method to change their energy and pull desired things closer to them. Before practicing this technique, you should know that there are different ways to change your destiny. 

  • 10 Ways to Enhance Your Psychic Abilities – You don’t have to rely only on psychics to see into the future or gain insights from your present situation. In this article, we list out 10 ways to expand your consciousness and connect better with the astral world. 

  • 10 Ways to Communicate With Pets After Their Death – Pets love their owners unconditionally and because of this, after they leave, their presence may still be felt – causing owners to seek ways to communicate. If you want to know how to reach out to your beloved animal beyond, read this article. 

  • How to Determine Your Spirit Animal Based on Astrology – There are different ways to enhance your spirituality and one of these way is determining your spirit animal. Use this guide to find your spirit animal, understand your most profound truths, emotions, and why you feel and act the way you do.

  • How to Use Tarot Cards for the First Time – Using tarot by yourself can seem like a daunting task since there are so many cards with different meanings. In this article, we lay out everything you need to know to start your tarot journey on your own terms. 

Our Most Popular Psychic Reads

We have many articles in our archive that have gotten great feedback from dedicated readers. Here are just a few of our most popular psychic reading articles. 

We recommend that you take a look at them and learn more about how diverse the mystical world can be. 


You should always feel supported and empowered by any psychic site and reader that you choose. Many of the above psychic advisors include life coaches and therapists who use their intuitive skills to complement the extraordinary services offered. The goal is the empowerment and fulfillment of every individual.

When looking for a trusted advisor, always ask questions. Clients should be able to expect complete confidentiality and trust. If misunderstandings occur, any trusted spiritual psychic reading expert will do their best to rectify any problems or discomfort. Remember, we are all here for our highest and best. When we help one, we support all.


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